NGK Ceramics Polska 2nd Factory Gliwice, Poland
NGK Ceramics Polska 2nd Factory, Gliwice, Poland

Client: Takenaka
Stage: Detailed design
Design: 10/2011 - 02/2013
The project involved a total of 935 tons of steel structures, of which 515 tons consisted of a roof structure and 420 tons of other structures, which functionally complemented the basic reinforced concrete one- to three-storey skeleton of the building with dimensions of 170 x 110 m. Steel stools on ŽB columns in a grid of mostly 18 x 18 m, supplemented with lattice purlins screwed to girders. Stiffening of the roof is ensured by a system of pulling cross braces and pipe braces. Other constructions include tracks for suspended overhead cranes and mobile hoists, constructions for filling bulk containers, sub-constructions for HVAC units, facade and attic subconstructions, entrance shelter, supporting structure of gatehouse, outdoor stairs and more.