Karolina Footbridge, Eva Jiricna Project, Ostrava
Karolina Footbridge, Eva Jiricna Project, Ostrava

Client: Link projekt
Stage: Detailed design
Design: 06-08/2010
The footbridge designed by Eva Jiricna Architects, London, United Kingdom. The project was ended by investor after finishing of detail design, because the expected budget was exceeded.
The footbridge is formed by arch structure. The total length is 230,9 m. The span lengths are 16,0 + 28,7 + 89,4 + 93,6 m. The structure is formed by a continuous composite deck suspended by arches. The deck comprises of two cell steel box girder with cast-in-situ
concrete slab. The bottom flange is three times curved. Two twin tube arches are supported by central box arch filled by concrete.