Karolina Footbridge, Ostrava
Karolina Footbridge, Ostrava

Client: Link projekt
Stage: Detailed design
Design: 11/2010-01/2011
The footbridge is formed by arch structure. The total length is 145,9 m, span of arch is 102 m. The span lengths are 2,9 + 15,2 + 25,4 + 84,6 + 15,6 + 2,2 m. The structure is formed by a continuous steel deck suspended by arch. The deck comprises of one cell steel box girder with orthotropic deck plate. The two inclined arches have four-sided box cross section and are braced by stiffened tubes in the top part.
The steel structure was erected using two methods. The deck was erected using span-by-span method and subsequently bottom elements of arch were erected . The top part of arch was preassembled using temporary towers and transferred to final position by heavy crane.