R1 Expressway, Steel Structures Supervision, Slovakia
R1 Expressway, Steel Structures Supervision, Slovakia

Client: SHP SK
Stage: Technical Supervison
Design: 10/2009 – 06/2012
The R1 expressway project is the first Slovakian PPP (private-public partnership) project. The project consists of three sections of expressway between Nitra and Tekovske Nemce and the Banska Bystrica Northern Bypass. The total length of this highway is approximately 51,6 km. The works comprise 81 bridges with a total length of approximately 8,4 km.
More than a thousand steel products were checked – composite bridges, structural bearings, expansion joints, signpost portal frames, noise reduction walls, railings, crash barriers, etc.
Our work included checking of detailed design documentation, checking of shop drawings and technological procedures, acceptances of basic material in plate mills plants, continuous checking of production, workshop acceptances in black and after application of anti-corrosion coating, assembly (in-situ) acceptances and final acceptances of structures.